Established Internet Order Customers
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Ordering Is Easy
We don't 'play games' on pricing!
There are no setup charges unless specified with the product description and there's nothing hidden.
Our reputation is very, very important to us and we treat every customer with respect for both their budget AND their intelligence!
Because we're an engraving company and we don't get paid unless we've done (and SPELLED!)
things correctly. As a result, we definitely prefer orders be sent to us in writing. It's
easiest all around if you FAX or E-Mail your order to us.
FAX US at (207-848-7188) with a sketch of
what you want. EMAIL
(orders@amernameplate.com) is
perfect for lists of names and product reorders.
Tell us what product you have in mind and include any pertinent information that will help us provide you with feedback (indoor/outdoor use, for example, or chemical environment). The more information we have, the easier it is for us to ensure that you get what you REALLY want - and not what you might have thought you wanted! You're the customer but we want to be sure that you're 110% satisfied, now and in the future.
If you want to speak with someone personally, call us. Our hours are 8am-4pm Eastern, Monday thru Friday.
If you're a regular customer who reorders similar products and
would like to have online ordering capability, drop us an e-mail
we can create an easy online ordering form just for you. You can then place your order at any time and save yourself that fax (along with the expense of the phone call!). We'll begin
production promptly.
A shipping and handling charge is added to all orders. Smaller orders are
sent in padded envelopes by First Class U.S. Mail unless otherwise specified.
expedited shipping
at an
Engraving Costs
Most engraving firms charge 'by the letter': we don't. While set-up and
engraving time are considerations for anyone who does engraving, we
spend our time making your order look good rather than worrying about whether
to charge you for 39 letters or 40! We think you'll notice the difference.
Satisfaction Guaranteed!
If you're not satisfied, we're not satisfied. If there's a
problem with your order, we'll make it right. Obviously, if you give us incorrect
information or change orologi replica your mind after you receive your order, there's no
way we could anticipate a problem. However, if we make an error or if the
product isn't as described, we'll make it right: 100% right! No debate, no arguments!
Most of our orders are shipped within 2 business days. We strive
for quick turn-around and correct product!
If you're ordering larger quantities of identical or similar products,
you may qualify for a bulk discount. If you do, we'll apply that discount even if
you didn't know you qualified for it. We want you to get the best products at the
best price.
If you have any questions or concerns about our policies or procedures, just give us a call. We're happy to explain.... We want YOU as a long-time, repeat customer who'll tell their friends and associates about our great products, our low prices, and our unmatched service!
Copyright© 2004-2009 - American Nameplate, Hermon, Maine
All rights reserved