Mounting/Affixing Your Product
For most products, we will need to know: how are you going to affix (or wear) this?
There are many choices, determined in part by the material of the item, it's use location, and the surface on which it's being placed.
Name Badges / Nametags
Nametags have a wide variety of options. In the industry, the various items used are often refered to as "findings" or fasteners. We have a special page dedicated to those. Most findings will work on all products.
Most wall/door signs are mounted with either foam tape or screws. Signs with holders have pre-drilled and sunk drill holes (we'll provide you with screws!) or we can affix foam tape to the back at no extra charge.
If you buy directory signage, your mounting decisions will be based on location and exposure to potential vandalism. Most directory signage we provide will give you the choice of screw or tape mounting.
Other Items
Depending on the item, your options vary. Plaques have mounting holes on both top and side: we'll orient your product so that you'll use the appropriate one. Decorative brass may have holes or not. Cast bronze and formed metal generally come with appropriate bolts/screws. There are many options. Please contact us if you have questions.
Cell foam tape
Some customers are unfamiliar with this product. It's a thicker, white tape that has adhesive on both sides. We affix it to your product. All you have to do is peel off the protective coating (a thin piece of coated paper that comes off easily) and press your sign to the surface. Once it's on there, it's on there! This tape works equally well for inside and outside uses and is - essentially - permanent!
To the right is a photo of two signs we've mounted outside our production facility to show how this product holds. If you'd like to visit us here in beautiful Brewer, Maine, you're welcome to tug on them to your hearts' content. They've been on this particular door for about five years now, outside in the harsh Maine winter, in direct sunlight for most of the day. Go ahead: make our day! <Smile>
And when you need to remove it....
Take a piece of 15# test line (usually for fishing) and wrap the ends around your fingers, like dental floss. (You may want to wear a pair of work gloves....) Put the fish line on the wall behind the sign & drag down firmly. It will remove the sign leaving remnants of the tape behind on the wall. Buy a product called "Goo Gone" at your local hardware store. It's yellow and about the same size as a small bottle of dish soap. Put a little bit of it on your thumb and rub (with a rolling motion) the remainder of the tape on the wall.
The other (obviously unacceptable) alternative is just to "pull" the sign off the wall. More often than not, it will rip away both paint and wallboard. This works just fine if the underlying wall/door is going to be demolished. Otherwise, we just don't recommend it.
Copyright© 2004-2009 - American Nameplate, Brewer, Maine
All rights reserved